In feet we have the records or registers of suffering and ignorance, and at the same time wisdom and happiness are also reflected. They are therefore the doors of self-knowledge and a way to awaken the source of love and compassion in our inner self.

Mankind, from many centuries ago has forgotten his real purpose which is the ability to love. Since then we lost horizon getting tangled in delusion, beliefs and egoism, this way we have accumulated and we have impregnated of darkness and suffering. The perspective of love was lost and forgotten until getting to current reality.

Now we have no choice than activating the energy of love to break up with the past and cross to the other shore of the human being: the one of the soul (source of love and compassion).

In these times if the human being wants to liberate from pain, misery, conflict and separation, he has to turn the situation he has created during his whole existence, and go to the shore of conscience, peace, brotherhood and oneness. This is a task we have to do individually, but at the same time it’s important that we do it collectively so it’s easier for us.


Feet cover all the records and experiences of our existence, patterns, behaviours, beliefs…and at the same time faculties and human potential are also registered. Through them we can work purification and alchemy. We can say that the work with caressing feet is a method by which a person can obtain the purification of his or her mind, that is, the absence of hatred, fear, greed and bad will; and the presence of love, compassion and purity in his or her heart. The essential healing of human suffering is the purpose of this long lost art.

The lower part of the feet has correspondence with the spine and there is a relationship with the prenatal period and the connection with the memory of the whole existence. Activating this part of us supposes a backward journey in time-space, and beyond a time, it means retracing the walk and revive sensations and emotions that will allow the mind and consciousness to comprehend. To understand is to awaken, little by little our consciousness will awaken from the dream in which we live.

By massaging our feet we access memory and records, getting mobilized to bring them to the present. In this way we have the opportunity to establish a new and correct learning of the traumatic experiences that generate suffering. It also unlocks and opens the door to our self-knowledge, love and acceptance of ourselves, developing all the human and creative potential that we carry within.

We call it an “art” because it teaches us to live and flow in harmony with the laws of life, with the law of love and with the greatest and spiritual forces of gratitude and selfless service. And because if you practice it correctly and with continuity in yourself you will experience your own truth, which goes far beyond healing a physical or emotional problem.

This massage or the art of caressing feet is not a therapy or a treatment, it is not a religion but it becomes a way of life, we realize that it is a path to true alchemy. It is a path of self-healing, and since liberation resides in our own hearts (not in adapting to some external or supernatural power) by activating the power of life through our feet we can rediscover ourselves and become vehicles of love and freedom.



Self healing is a journey in which each person has to be immersed, not a procedure performed by a healer. It’s taking responsibility for your inner wounds and covering them with the light of your conscience.

The power of healing cannot be acquired through something external, but it is the result of your own inner growth and clarity of consciousness. Therefore, it is not because of the skills or knowledge you have learned from someone else, that you are healed, but purely by who you are, by the inner path you have followed. Love is the one who truly heals. Therefore no one can heal anyone, you can only heal yourself when you awaken the force of Love that lives within you and is the one that sets you free.

There is a big difference between curing and healing. Curing has to do with applying remedies and involves solving any external problems that arise, such as patching a wheel if it has been punctured, or treating a snake bite, or using chemotherapy to treat a tumour. But this does not help avoid the nails in the driveway, the snakes in the forest, or the disease that caused the tumour.

Healing is something broader and more complete. Healing transforms one’s life, and often, though not always, generates physical healing. When we heal we measure success through increasing well-being, through a sense of peace, strength and a sense of communion with every form of life, in short when you heal you awaken the joy and the will to live and the feelings in your heart of selfless gratitude and service.

Therefore healing, in essence, has nothing to do with specific abilities or knowledge that can be learned from books or taking courses, but rather begins with awakening the values that we as human beings have lost (sincerity, humility, purity, patience, tolerance, clear vision, intuition, generosity, joy…). It is no use having information or theoretical or intellectual knowledge if we do not understand the true nature of the Laws of Life and if we are not coherent with ourselves and experience it within ourselves day by day.
The forgotten art of bathing feet is a self healing tool that allows you to integrate this understanding of the laws of life not only in a theoretical way, but as a real experience within yourself.

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The art of foot washing is a tool of self liberation that does not come from any school or philosophy of the new Age, but is an ancient art that was already on this planet and was lost in oblivion. It was practised by different sages of compassion who were strangers to any religion, sect or dogma, wise men who left us the message of freedom: “only your own truth can set you free.”

From the beginning of history in the ancient East the Chinese touched their feet as a symbol of friendship, respect and cordiality towards their fellows. It is said that they did so without any intention, simply in an attitude of goodwill. It was an art of true alchemy, of creating new friendships and of living in brotherhood. Also in other places of the planet this noble art was practised and was part of the culture of the people.

There were always many noble seekers and teachers of compassion who came to meet the truth and dedicated their lives to unveiling the great enigmas of life, but above all they tried to find a real way out of human suffering.

Now, this ancestral gem is with us again thanks to the research carried out by Jose Luis “LIBRE” through his illness, who after a long and deep investigation he carried out with himself rediscovered it and gave it to us as an authentic way of personal and spiritual development, so that we may experience our own truth and know ourselves.

The deep degenerative disease with which Libre was born (severe rheumatoid arthritis), and which led him to be chained and helpless…, and after a long search with different therapists, healers and medicines from different parts of the world to get out of his suffering, Libre one good day was reunited with this millennial art. That is when his true self-healing and liberation began.

It was through his illness that he began to awaken all the wisdom and knowledge about himself and about life and disease, succeeding in transforming his ignorance into wisdom, his sadness into joy and pain into happiness. Throughout this extensive research as self-training through the forgotten art of washing feet, he was conscious of self deception and confusion of the human being and awakened the source of love and compassion within him. Libre then gave himself to the way and service of humanity, and he shared with us this noble art with total purity, preserving its true essence so that we can all benefit from this alchemist tool.

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There is only a real way out of suffering and ignorance, which is established through our self-understanding. The love massage on our feet leads us to experience true liberation.

With regard to true healing as human beings, Libre brings us his vision of the basic principles after having travelled for years and shared this tool in different places, healing schools and spiritual currents:

“As a researcher in suffering and illness, during this time in which I have made great friends and I have met teachers of yoga, Tai-Chi…and different disciplines of personal growth. I have realized that all these works are very good, but I think we lack the most important thing: the LIBERATION OF SUFFERING, THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND LOVE WITHIN US.

I have also met different therapists and doctors who helped others, however, not having done an inner work of purification with themselves, their ability to heal was limited and they remained with the problem and suffering of their patients, settling stiffness and tensions in them.

I think that anyone who dedicates himself to personal growth must first heal himself. It is from here that true healing can be offered to others, as you cannot share what you do not have. We must cultivate within ourselves what we want to offer others. Medicine man must try his own medicine.

On the other hand, I have seen many people seeking knowledge in India, Tibet, in the scriptures or in some philosophies, and yet their hearts were closed. And as much knowledge as they have learned, in their daily lives they were filled with emptiness and trouble.

For me the awakening of wisdom and love, the universal path is linked to noble acts, that is, to selfless service and dedication to others.

With other intelligent people I have encountered, for them all these were beliefs and illusions.

True knowledge resides within every human being, and to come to it there is no other way than through PURIFICATION and TRANSFORMATION OF OUR IGNORANCE AND SUFFERING.

From these lines I tell you with total certainty, that HERE YOU HAVE A TOOL, A VERY OLD ART OF LIBERATION AND COMPASSION, which since the beginning of history has been rolling and rolling… going to the hands of different healers and sages. Now you have it at your disposal. It will take you to the great awakening of consciousness!

It is clear to me that in these new times of great changes, in which new problems and diseases are emerging, this awakening will be necessary on this planet. It will lead us to heal our own essence: the Soul.”


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